Published on by Nicola Collinette

What can be more reprehensible than a parent sexually abusing their child? The fact that a parent can expose their child to such pernicious acts is heinous in itself. There are several forms of abuse a parent can perpetrate on their child – emotional abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, child neglect and physical child abuse.  In this article I will be writing about child sexual abuse.


Child sexual abuse includes any activity which uses a child for sexual pleasure either in you or in others.  There does not even need to be any form of bodily contact.  Just exposing your child to sexual situations or pornographic material is sexual abuse.  Studies have shown that sexual abuse has long-term effects on the brain and behavior. This form of abuse is shrouded in guilt and shame and often kept a secret due to the stigma associated with it.  It is disturbing to think that child sexual abuse is usually performed by someone the child knows – most often family. 


There is a distinct difference between touching a child affectionately and for hygiene purposes than for intending to be sexually aroused by the activity or to create sexual arousal in the child.  Not only is this criminal behavior, punishable by law, it is evil.


Child sexual abuse includes the following:


  1. Prolonged kissing, cuddling, excessive touching and French kissing.
  2. Touching the child’s genital area.
  3. Fondling with the intention of sexual arousal either in the child or the perpetrator.
  4. Seducing a minor sexually in any way or form.
  5. Photographing or filming children with the intention of creating sexual arousal.
  6. Exposing a child to any form of sexual or pornographic material.


.As children who are sexually abused often feel ashamed they find it very difficult to report the abuse.  They worry they will not be believed or that it will cause a rift in their family.  They often feel as though they are responsible for the abuse and this leads to self-hatred and sexual problems as they grow older.  These children often feel angry, depressed and they have no value.

It is therefore important to recognize the signs of child abuse as children do not like to come forward.


Recognizing signs of child abuse


  1. Children displaying knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to their age
  2. Any form of STD
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Difficulty walking or sitting
  5. Goes out of their way to avoid a certain person without an obvious reason
  6. Runs away from home
  7. Complains about problems with their genitals
  8. Fecal soiling
  9. Depression
  10. Nightmares
  11. Insomnia
  12. Bed wetting


All children, whether male or female, are at risk of sexual abuse.  If you suspect a child is or has been abused, immediately contact law enforcement or a child abuse hotline.  If a child tells you they are being abused, believe them as it is very difficult for children to report abuse (due to feelings of humiliation and self-blame) and therefore they are usually always telling the truth.

And lastly, children are a gift from God.  They are a Blessing.  Cherish and protect them always. 


Published on Abuse

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<br /> <br /> There are such sick people in this world.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />